Wednesday 17 March 2010

A little bored perhaps

Dear all. I think I am starting to get used to this place. It's interesting how a routine started to settle in and the things that might have shocked you in the beginning just don't really anymore. I walk along the busy roadsides and dart across streets in an instant where in the beginning I'd have waited for the all-clear that only occurs every 5 minutes. I however am also getting a little bored and feel a slight mental block that I am creating for myself. In many ways I should be out exploring but I have some kind of aversion to just jumping in a rickshaw and telling it to go. Now meaning to sound too philosophical but I guess one often feels that journeys should have a purpose or a destination and I suppose they really don't and can we work it in their own right.

The result of the above point (as well as talking to some very convincing people) is that I am contemplating buying a scooter. Oh yes, the freedom! They are relatively inexpensive here and would offer the ideal mode of transportation and the opportunity to explore. Now points that speak against it: I have never written a motorised two-wheeler in my life because I thought it was dangerous. For this reason learning by doing in the traffic nightmare that is an Indian metropolis might not be so wise. It gets really hot here and I have been warned about heat stroke. I am partially deaf and can't here where sound comes from. I believe helmets in India are made from paper mache. Now the cases for: I have realised that I am now old enough to do things to make me feel young. I would love to just be able to truly cruise around and explore. A scooter is the ultimate accessory (I could also consider a Tata Nano). The result of this turmoil is that all I see is scooters. It's like girls who miss their periods and all they see is babies. Scooters are everywhere and they are SOOOO cute.

Anywho, enough about the scooter. Time will tell. I do have 2 funny little stories to tell. This Saturday gone past I was in the dentist office to have the two remaining wisdoms yanked from my skull. So I am in the chair and the doctor and injected me pretty well and good with anaesthesia when he asks me is I am married. I reply NO, but that I have a GF of many years. Now must places this would lead into a "what does she do", "do you live together", etc. Not here. NOOO. I get a sharp criticism and told that arranged marriages where the two joining parties have never met are much better. Basically that free choice and uncertain in a relationship is a bad thing. This leads on to the men are superior to women and that this is a scientific fact. Now the doctor is preparing the scalpel but I refuse to have my bebe and my lifestyle choices criticised to such an extent that I respectfully tell the dentist that there is no scientific basis for what he is saying that I would never want to be with someone who I didn't consider an equal. We go on a little more and so one and the finally as things are perhaps getting just a little intense he ways "The anaesthesia seems to be working, let's get started". I can proudly say the dentist stayed professional but apparently he drilled and filed quite a bit in my jaw... I came in India to experience something and I certainly am.

Also I went to the local mall which just a cinema and a foodcourt and a Tommy Hilfiger. I went to the Istanbul Kebab because I was craving hummos. Now guess what, behind a counter...a real Turk for Izmir! He's been in Hyderabad for a year! Funny that I am shooting the shit with a Turk in a Kebab shop and I start to miss Denmark.

I think I will leave it here for now. I should be travelling next week so hopefully I'll have some stories for you guys. J

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